2020 is the year we’ll never forget. Tell us how COVID-19 has affected your community and compare it with other … AHFP 1532 The winter of 1948-49 was horrible for the people of Nebraska. It started snowing in November and continued throughout the … AHFP 1844 Kids from Mullen Nebraska teaching us about Crazy Horse.AHFP 1738 AHFP 2117 A talented lyricist sings about his hometown history for the American History Film Project. Tristin Worster sings a parody of … AHFP 1666 An informative video on the historical construction of Sod houses in the Nebraska Plains. Submitted by: Ty and TevenAHFP 1735 Lexi’s informative interview about a crime that took place in her area. Submitted by: LexiAHFP 1482 Mary Hilbrink’s film is a general overview of the history of Cary, Illinois submitted for a hometown profile featured in … AHFP 2871 Kylie, a student from Mullen Nebraska, did this film on the History of the Pivot System on farms. We hope … AHFP 986 History of Arrowheads and where they can be found today by Brooke, Lindey and Hanna of Mullen Nebraska The American … AHFP 950