
mission-AHFPThere are no fees to enter and every film from grades K-12 that meets our basic criteria will get some form of recognition, therefore we depend upon volunteers and donations to keep this positive program going so that it will eventually connect every community in the U.S.A.  The first way you can help is by LIKING our Facebook page and then going to our YouTube page to vote up individual films and giving the kids some applause.  Share and re-share the links to films with friends and local leaders.


Email us at info@americanhistoryfilmproject.org for volunteer opportunities.


If you wish to give money, a $5 donation would sponsor the sending of certificates to 5 children in rural or under-served communities. $18 would sponsor  an award medal at our national exhibition.  Your  donations of $100 or more to our American History Film Project 501 (c)3  could be designated to pay for travel scholarships to fly students or teachers to Washington, DC to be  honored in person.  Students and chaperones could be invited to receptions and given tours of the city and it’s historic monuments.  All donors will be sent a letter of receipt with our Internal Revenue Service EIN to ensure that your contribution is tax deductible to the fullest extent of the law.



Please visit, thank, and buy from the sponsors who support us.