Annandale Film Teacher explains the Technical Side of Filmmaking

Alan Weintraut explains the problems that young filmmakers will run into when producing a high quality film. Everyone needs to … 0 1187

Annandale Film Teacher Provides Insight into Filmmaking

Alan Weintraut speaks about filmmaking and shares some tips tricks along with motivational secrets. He also shares what young filmmakers … 0 988

Annandale High School History

Their submission is a history lesson about historic Annandale High School. It was opened in 1954. The students interviewed Nikki … 0 1194
Time Trekkers!!! A History of Burke, Virginia

Time Trekkers!!! A History of Burke, Virginia

Time Trekkers!!! A History of Burke, Virginia Burke is a Northern Virginia suburb located 20 miles southwest of our nation’s … 0 1212

Introduction Rahel Tecle and her Project

Rehel Tecle provides an introduction to her upcoming film and tells us a little bit about herself. Submitted by Rahel … 0 1109